Dec 27, 2014

राजनीतिक अराजकता : १२ बुँदे दिल्ली सम्झौताको परिणाम

राजनीतिक अराजकता : १२ बुँदे दिल्ली सम्झौताको परिणाम

When Democracies Go Bad

When Democracies Go Bad

China’s Nepal Policy: Review the Past

China’s Nepal Policy: Review the Past

China means no Competition with India in Nepal: FM Wang

China means no Competition with India in Nepal: FM Wang

China’s Jinping tells Army to be ready for war

China’s Jinping tells Army to be ready for war

China’s Jinping tells Army to be ready for war

China’s Jinping tells Army to be ready for war

जातीयताको झाङ्गिदो बीष बृक्ष

जातीयताको झाङ्गिदो बीष बृक्ष

Dec 25, 2014

China’s Nepal Policy: Review the Past

China’s Nepal Policy: Review the Past

China’s Nepal Policy: Review the Past

China’s Nepal Policy: Review the Past

The great Game Folio: Ocean Diplomacy

The great Game Folio: Ocean Diplomacy

What Xi Jinping Really Means by ‘One Country, Two Systems’

What Xi Jinping Really Means by ‘One Country, Two Systems’

The “Great Game”: Eurasia and the History of War

The “Great Game”: Eurasia and the History of War

Russia, China Mock “Divide and Rule”: The American “Empire of Chaos”

Russia, China Mock “Divide and Rule”: The American “Empire of Chaos”

माघ ८ : यस्तो हुनेछ परिस्थिति

माघ ८ : यस्तो हुनेछ परिस्थिति

Dec 23, 2014

संविधानसभा नै गलत

संविधानसभा नै गलत

संविधानसभा नै गलत

संविधानसभा नै गलत

Finding faith in alien encounters

Finding faith in alien encounters

राजनीतिक संकटको उत्तम निकास : वैधानिकताको बाटो

राजनीतिक संकटको उत्तम निकास : वैधानिकताको बाटो

सांस्कृतिक छात्रवृत्तिको अतिक्रमण

सांस्कृतिक छात्रवृत्तिको अतिक्रमण

असान्दर्भिक र निरीह संविधानसभा

असान्दर्भिक र निरीह संविधानसभा

Dec 19, 2014

विदेशीको धाप थापेर मुलुकको कल्याण हुन सक्तैन

विदेशीको धाप थापेर मुलुकको कल्याण हुन सक्तैन

ईसाईकरणप्रति सचेत रहन जरूरी

ईसाईकरणप्रति सचेत रहन जरूरी

राजदूत एन्डी, धर्म निरपेक्षता र नेपाली

राजदूत एन्डी, धर्म निरपेक्षता र नेपाली

Consensus Nepal Politics: A Futile Circus

Consensus Nepal Politics: A Futile Circus

माओवादीको चक्रव्युहमा काँग्रेस–एमाले

माओवादीको चक्रव्युहमा काँग्रेस–एमाले

Nepal: Christianity’s Fifth Column!

Nepal: Christianity’s Fifth Column!

Dec 12, 2014

Is the Buddha Smiling on Narendra Modi’s India?

Is the Buddha Smiling on Narendra Modi’s India?

Torture and the U.S. Intelligence Failure

Torture and the U.S. Intelligence Failure

असफल राजनीतिक नेतृत्व

असफल राजनीतिक नेतृत्व

Constitution in the making?

Constitution in the making?

Elections in Kashmir and Article 370

Elections in Kashmir and Article 370

Speak up, dear leaders

Speak up, dear leaders

अबको आन्दोलन आधारभूत आवश्यकताको निमित्त

अबको आन्दोलन आधारभूत आवश्यकताको निमित्त

Dec 6, 2014

China’s Submarine Noose Around India

China’s Submarine Noose Around India

संविधान, राष्ट्रिय सरकार र मुलुकको गन्तव्य

संविधान, राष्ट्रिय सरकार र मुलुकको गन्तव्य

A Zero-Sum Game in South Asia

A Zero-Sum Game in South Asia

We the fools of Nepal

We the fools of Nepal

America is a Threat to Russia and the World

America is a Threat to Russia and the World

‘आतङ्ककारीबाट मूलधार’ मा ल्याइएको माओवादी कहाँ पुगेछ ?

‘आतङ्ककारीबाट मूलधार’ मा ल्याइएको माओवादी कहाँ पुगेछ ?

Nepal Politics: Ballot and Bullet can’t go along

Nepal Politics: Ballot and Bullet can’t go along

Will Russia, Germany Save Europe from War?

Will Russia, Germany Save Europe from War?

माओवादी बारेको भ्रम !

माओवादी बारेको भ्रम !

Dec 4, 2014

विश्व शक्ति संघर्षको रणभूमि नेपाल

विश्व शक्ति संघर्षको रणभूमि नेपाल

विश्व शक्ति संघर्षको रणभूमि नेपाल

विश्व शक्ति संघर्षको रणभूमि नेपाल

SAARC needs China’s growing economic clout

SAARC needs China’s growing economic clout

Russia and China to form Asia-Pacific collective security system

Russia and China to form Asia-Pacific collective security system

Pivoting back the US in Asia

Pivoting back the US in Asia

Exclusive: China says PoK region ‘part of Pakistan’

Exclusive: China says PoK region ‘part of Pakistan’

Nepal Politics: Ballot and Bullet can’t go along

Nepal Politics: Ballot and Bullet can’t go along

सार्कमा चीन : कूटनीतिक दूरदृष्टि

सार्कमा चीन : कूटनीतिक दूरदृष्टि

China’s push for SAARC membership: Anxiety for India

China’s push for SAARC membership: Anxiety for India

Hong Kong: Occupy Central Leaders to Surrender to Police

Hong Kong: Occupy Central Leaders to Surrender to Police

Chinese Activity is Up Exponentially in Indian Ocean

Chinese Activity is Up Exponentially in Indian Ocean

Nepal: A Hindu State ?

Nepal: A Hindu State ?

Hong Kong: Occupy Central Leaders to Surrender to Police

Hong Kong: Occupy Central Leaders to Surrender to Police

Dec 1, 2014

सार्कमा चीन : कूटनीतिक दूरदृष्टि

सार्कमा चीन : कूटनीतिक दूरदृष्टि

लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र : सपनाको व्यापार

लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र : सपनाको व्यापार

China’s push for SAARC membership: Anxiety for India

China’s push for SAARC membership: Anxiety for India

‘आतङ्ककारीबाट मूलधार’ मा ल्याइएको माओवादी कहाँ पुगेछ ?

‘आतङ्ककारीबाट मूलधार’ मा ल्याइएको माओवादी कहाँ पुगेछ ?

सार्कमा चीन : कूटनीतिक दूरदृष्टि

सार्कमा चीन : कूटनीतिक दूरदृष्टि

New Delhi-Beijing cooperation key to building an ‘Indo-Pacific Era’

New Delhi-Beijing cooperation key to building an ‘Indo-Pacific Era’

भारत-पाक सम्बन्धको छायामा सार्क

भारत-पाक सम्बन्धको छायामा सार्क

China’s Domestic Violence Breakthrough

China’s Domestic Violence Breakthrough

Modi among the pigeons

Modi among the pigeons

China-Russia Axis: Should America Worry?

China-Russia Axis: Should America Worry?

Nov 24, 2014

China media: President Xi’s diplomacy

China media: President Xi’s diplomacy

China PLA Warns: US should stay out of South China Sea land reclamation issue

China PLA Warns: US should stay out of South China Sea land reclamation issue

It’s No Accident – Afghan Opium Production Hits All-Time High

It’s No Accident – Afghan Opium Production Hits All-Time High

Give China Active Role in SAARC – Experts

Give China Active Role in SAARC – Experts

नाङ्गो बादशाहको भ्रामक पोशाक

नाङ्गो बादशाहको भ्रामक पोशाक

Nextdoor Nepal: SAARC and after

Nextdoor Nepal: SAARC and after

रणनीतिक साझेदारी चाहन्छ चीन

रणनीतिक साझेदारी चाहन्छ चीन

Nov 23, 2014

China building South China Sea Island big enough for airstrip

China building South China Sea Island big enough for airstrip

Nepal: Deconstructing Hagiography, Rescuing History

Nepal: Deconstructing Hagiography, Rescuing History

Strategic Partnership between China and Pacific Island Countries

Strategic Partnership between China and Pacific Island Countries

Arab Spring: Here’s what’s left

Arab Spring: Here’s what’s left

Why China Still Needs Deng Xiaoping

Why China Still Needs Deng Xiaoping

‘सहमति हुनै लाग्यो’ !?

‘सहमति हुनै लाग्यो’ !?

SAARC Summit: Seizing the opportunity

SAARC Summit: Seizing the opportunity

नेपाली राजनीति, मोरिआर्टी र बोडी

नेपाली राजनीति, मोरिआर्टी र बोडी

Nov 22, 2014

Chinese help crucial for Nepal to meet internal and external challenges

Chinese help crucial for Nepal to meet internal and external challenges

China Can Damage US Power Grid: NSA Director

China Can Damage US Power Grid: NSA Director

Modi must Stop Campaigning and Start Governing

Modi must Stop Campaigning and Start Governing

US-India Mutual Defense Treaty

US-India Mutual Defense Treaty

Hong Kong Revolutions: Made in USA!

Hong Kong Revolutions: Made in USA!

China and Washington’s Regime Change Tactics

China and Washington’s Regime Change Tactics

Modi Must Work to Transform South Asia

Modi Must Work to Transform South Asia

China encroached Indian territory: Indian Home Minister

China encroached Indian territory: Indian Home Minister

Nepal: Maintaining the Momentum

Nepal: Maintaining the Momentum

द्वन्द्वकै छायाँमा सार्क

द्वन्द्वकै छायाँमा सार्क

Nov 21, 2014

मोदीको जनकपुर भ्रमण : नाङ्गिएका हाम्रा नेता

मोदीको जनकपुर भ्रमण : नाङ्गिएका हाम्रा नेता

Great Power Game in Nepal

Great Power Game in Nepal

SAARC and World Powers’ Interests

SAARC and World Powers’ Interests

SAARC and World Powers’ Interests

SAARC and World Powers’ Interests

Climbing Mt. Everest: Why Restrictions?

Climbing Mt. Everest: Why Restrictions?

Climbing Mt. Everest: Why Restrictions?

Climbing Mt. Everest: Why Restrictions?

घर पोलेर खरानीको व्यापार गर्ने नेताहरु

घर पोलेर खरानीको व्यापार गर्ने नेताहरु

Nov 18, 2014

The Next Presidential Election Will Move The World Closer To War

The Next Presidential Election Will Move The World Closer To War

A Digression on the Cinema and Politics

A Digression on the Cinema and Politics

हिन्दुराष्ट्र अभियान र काँग्रेस

हिन्दुराष्ट्र अभियान र काँग्रेस

What a funny politics!

What a funny politics!

तेस्रो विश्वयुद्धको तयारी ?

तेस्रो विश्वयुद्धको तयारी ?

Understanding China

Understanding China

प्राविधिक आधारमा कोसी उच्चबाँध

प्राविधिक आधारमा कोसी उच्चबाँध

Nov 13, 2014

कुन उपलब्धि संस्थागत गर्ने हो ?

कुन उपलब्धि संस्थागत गर्ने हो ?

Obama remains prisoner of White House

Obama remains prisoner of White House

Obama remains prisoner of White House

Obama remains prisoner of White House

China’s Fourth Plenum: A Continuation of Foreign Policy by Other Means

China’s Fourth Plenum: A Continuation of Foreign Policy by Other Means

With Modi Doctrine, India Drifting away from Non-Alignment!

With Modi Doctrine, India Drifting away from Non-Alignment!

‘सहमति’ कि मुठभेडको तयारी ?

‘सहमति’ कि मुठभेडको तयारी ?

India and Signals from Sri Lanka

India and Signals from Sri Lanka

US Grand Strategy: More Restraint

US Grand Strategy: More Restraint

Chinese Influence in Afghanistan and the United States

Chinese Influence in Afghanistan and the United States

Nov 12, 2014

India to Buy Billion Military Hardware

India to Buy Billion Military Hardware

मुलुक चलाउन असफल दलहरु

मुलुक चलाउन असफल दलहरु

मुलुक चलाउन असफल दलहरु

मुलुक चलाउन असफल दलहरु

सार्क सम्मेलनका नाममा ब्रह्मलूट

सार्क सम्मेलनका नाममा ब्रह्मलूट

सार्क सम्मेलनका नाममा ब्रह्मलूट

सार्क सम्मेलनका नाममा ब्रह्मलूट

मुलुक चलाउन असफल दलहरु

मुलुक चलाउन असफल दलहरु

Nepal’s Peace Process: Two Frantic Letters

Nepal’s Peace Process: Two Frantic Letters

राजसंस्था पुनर्स्थापना होला ?

राजसंस्था पुनर्स्थापना होला ?

China-Russia Axis: Should America Worry?

China-Russia Axis: Should America Worry?

राष्ट्रपतिको राजा बन्ने धोको

राष्ट्रपतिको राजा बन्ने धोको

Nov 10, 2014

विवादको नाटक देखाएर राष्ट्रघातको तयारी

विवादको नाटक देखाएर राष्ट्रघातको तयारी

Nepal: Reconciliation a Must

Nepal: Reconciliation a Must

Securing Kabul

Securing Kabul

देश बचाउन ‘प्रतिगामी’ नै चाहिने भयो

देश बचाउन ‘प्रतिगामी’ नै चाहिने भयो

Is China Swarming With Foreign Spies?

Is China Swarming With Foreign Spies?

Afghan End Game: Chinese Security Imperative and Implications for India

Afghan End Game: Chinese Security Imperative and Implications for India

Nov 8, 2014

Proven: Ballot and Bullet can’t Work Together

Proven: Ballot and Bullet can’t Work Together

Dragon Dance in India’s Ocean

Dragon Dance in India’s Ocean

US-China: ‘New Type of Major Power Relations’

US-China: ‘New Type of Major Power Relations’

यी गम्भीर सङ्केत अब पनि नबुझ्ने ?

यी गम्भीर सङ्केत अब पनि नबुझ्ने ?

EU And Its Partners on Development: How Strategic?

EU And Its Partners on Development: How Strategic?

द्वन्द्वको नयाँ स्रोतको खेती गर्दै दलहरू

द्वन्द्वको नयाँ स्रोतको खेती गर्दै दलहरू

China’s Imperial President

China’s Imperial President

China’s Imperial President

China’s Imperial President

Nov 7, 2014

गरीबलाई प्रलोभनमा पारेर यसरी फसाउँछन् क्रिश्चियनहरु

गरीबलाई प्रलोभनमा पारेर यसरी फसाउँछन् क्रिश्चियनहरु

यी गम्भीर सङ्केत अब पनि नबुझ्ने ?

यी गम्भीर सङ्केत अब पनि नबुझ्ने ?

राजनीति, आस्था र सिद्धान्त

राजनीति, आस्था र सिद्धान्त

Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces at Work in the Nation-State

Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces at Work in the Nation-State

Bhutan: The Indian Army’s Front Line

Bhutan: The Indian Army’s Front Line

Foreign powers instigating Religious war in Nepal: NC leader

Foreign powers instigating Religious war in Nepal: NC leader

China’s Overseas Basing Strategy

China’s Overseas Basing Strategy

Nov 2, 2014

‘स्थिति’ नियन्त्रणमा नरहने मात्र होइन, भयावह हुन सक्छ

‘स्थिति’ नियन्त्रणमा नरहने मात्र होइन, भयावह हुन सक्छ

Evaluating Ebola as a Biological Weapon

Evaluating Ebola as a Biological Weapon

‘सहमति’ को राजनीति : स्थितिको तत्काल समीक्षा जरुरी

‘सहमति’ को राजनीति : स्थितिको तत्काल समीक्षा जरुरी

संविधानसभा किन ?

संविधानसभा किन ?

Sri Lanka snubs India, opens port to Chinese submarine again

Sri Lanka snubs India, opens port to Chinese submarine again

India hits back at Chinese ‘urge’

India hits back at Chinese ‘urge’

Stopover in Male, eye on Beijing

Stopover in Male, eye on Beijing

Oct 14, 2014

पत्याउदाँ पत्याउदैँ (लामो भयो )

पत्याउदाँ पत्याउदैँ (लामो भयो )

युवराज पारस : प्रश्न गम्भीर छन्

युवराज पारस : प्रश्न गम्भीर छन्

दिल्लीबाट आाउँदैछन् ‘अलकायदा’ र ‘मुजाहिद्दिन’

दिल्लीबाट आाउँदैछन् ‘अलकायदा’ र ‘मुजाहिद्दिन’

सहमतिको नाटक : बुद्धिजीबी स्तुति गायनमा

सहमतिको नाटक : बुद्धिजीबी स्तुति गायनमा

New Asian security architecture: seeking partners

New Asian security architecture: seeking partners

Sep 26, 2014

‘The Benefits’ of the Israeli Occupation

‘The Benefits’ of the Israeli Occupation

ISIS Goes to Asia

ISIS Goes to Asia

Toil and Trouble

Toil and Trouble

Why India should not be worried with Xi Jinping’s comment over combat readiness

Why India should not be worried with Xi Jinping’s comment over combat readiness

ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई जति देशको मायाँ प्रचण्ड-बाबुरामलाई छैन

ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई जति देशको मायाँ प्रचण्ड-बाबुरामलाई छैन

Future of SAARC

Future of SAARC

प्रतिस्पर्धाको छायाँमा साझेदारी

प्रतिस्पर्धाको छायाँमा साझेदारी