By Telegraph Nepal
China basically aims to build
friendly ties with the Himalayan nations that adjoin the Tibetan plateau with
the South Asian Subcontinent, claim the senior diplomats and add, China’s plans
to make India restive has worked ‘super-fine’ in Nepal and now China intends to
gradually lift Bhutan out from India’s firm grips.
Bhutan too appears willing. After
all now Bhutan has a new energetic King who was born in Nepal.
The Bhutanese King has admitted
this fact.
“Unity between China, India,
Bhutan and Nepal could be valuable for the entire region,” so observed the
visiting Chinese Vice-Minister Fu Ying while meeting Nepal’s Prime Minister
Baburam Ram Bhattarai, August 13, 2012.
Mercifully she met Bhattarai.
“China is not India’s competitor.
We want to maintain cooperative relations with India,” she also told
Baburam-the JNU Graduate.
Perhaps she said this to Nepal PM
so that the message gets conveyed to the right place within minutes.
Intelligent Chinese dignitary.
Why she chose Baburam to convey
her message is any body’s guess? She knows perhaps Bhattarai’s excessive India
Baburam also assured the Chinese
visiting VIP that Nepal too wants balanced relations with both the neighbors.
Muni would have been dismayed
with his disciple upon listening Bhattarai’s statement.
Thus the subtle message is that
China prefers to bring into use its quiet diplomacy in order to increase its
influence in South Asia but that should be for the overall development of the
entire region. Not bad.
Baburam will never learn from an intelligent diplomat as he is used get advice from under-cover foreign agents, doublespeaks, twisted-turvies.