N. P. Upadhyaya Nepali
Kathmandu: Battle Royale is round the corner
which may straighten out the current Nepal ailments once and for all. It is so
presumed. Enough has become already enough.
The stage for a possible triangular fight-
to-finish has already been set which will though situate the Nepali political
course in a straight line yet the process will definitely be an alarming one
associated with political anarchy.
This political dissection among the national
population is equally treacherous in that the people who trust and believe to
what the former King said while talking to the TV channel will sooner or later
take the side of the King and the rest will oppose his “assertion” toeing to
the political lines they prefer which is to reject the King’s claim. A natural
phenomenon indeed. It is a democratic phenomenon.
In effect the former King asserted while
talking to the Idiot Box that “an agreement had been reached between “Me and
the then agitating parties to keep the Royal Institution intact at time of the
No such agreement had been reached in between
the King and the parties, says Madhav Nepal and his party Chairman Khanal who
both were then in NOIDA and later returned to Nepal with needed counsels.
Khanal even went to the extent and said
emphatically that why should the parties sign an accord with a King who was
about to flee the country and thus the King’s fresh declaration is nothing but
a complete lie?
NC leader Sitaula of the Sudan infamy in an
aggressive mood dismisses the King’s revelation that the parties at time of the
movement, at the fag end perhaps, had accepted to keep the Royal institution
“If he has then let him produce the signed
paper”, Sitaula challenged the former Nepal sovereign.
Yet Sitaula appears to have come to his senses,
July 11, 2012, wherein he stated that “a third equally strong force is round
the corner” if the parties fail to patch up their present day political
Line Ayo?
Madhav Nepal, who had appealed the King to
appoint him as the Nepal Prime Minister during the Royal regime thinks that the
former King has begun day dreaming. A grand satire indeed.He now susggests the
former monarch to form a political party.
Sujata Koirala-Jost of the Sudan-RUBEL Voip
fame has also talked on the same line as election defeated Mr. Nepal has been
chatting about.
Analysing these utterances of various sorts
positive and negative both, what becomes imperative is to draw the attention of
all interested quarters, both within and without, as to why the sidelined
monarch consumed so much years in revealing the truth that he claims to have
been in his possession? Isn’t it a delayed affair? Perhaps yes.
And look at the timing of his message that he
had been assured in “writing” that Nepal Monarchy would be kept as it is sine
The former ruler has definitely chosen to air
his inner thoroughness at a time when the country is swimming in the deep blue
ocean sans life jacket due to the unprecedented constitutional crisis that has
overwhelmed the country or is about to. The crisis though remains, claim
constitutional experts.
Constitutional vacuity prevails with both PM
and President falling flat with the CA body’s death which had duly elected them
both, if one were to recall.
Some even say that HE is fishing in the
troubled waters?
But if it is so then what could be fairly said
that the seven parties too had, if they recall, fished in the same troubled
waters some six years back. The King was thus cornered then, albeit with the
Indian declared support. India fished in Nepal’s troubled waters but not the
Indo-pendent parties. Let’s admit this reality.
The parties scathingly disapprove the former
King for having told the unbelievable. But can a personality of HIS stature
make deceitful comments and make such unreliable remarks unless he is in
possession of a legitimate and well signed manuscript which had ensured his
Institution’s continuation?
Mind it that when this text, as asserted by the
then King, had been signed, the Indian Prime Minister’s special emissary, Dr.
Karan Singh, too was right here in Kathmandu.
The then King though could not produce the
“signed document” while talking to the Television, July 8, 2012, but at least
hinted that such a document must have been in possession of “some” political
leaders who were then in close touch with the King.
Should it mean that Dr. Karan Singh may have a
copy of this Nepal text in his possession as he was the witness from the Indian
side? The obligation of proving this reality now lay upon the shoulders of
Karan Singh-King Gyanendra’s close relative, by the way.
As far as analysts understand, the sidelined
King had presented a copy of the signed text to Madame Sonia Gandhi when the
former met her in March (12?) 2010 in New Delhi at Sonia’s residence.
Sonia is learnt to have assured her special
guest stating that “justice would be done to Your Majesty”.
Former King’s announcement, a hilarious one
indeed, too has come at a time when the population have already begun comparing
the country’s political situation of the past and that is in existence at
present. In addition, King’s self-confident mood has come to the fore when the
champion of the revival of the Nepali monarchy, Kamal Thapa, the Chairman of
the RPP-Nepal commands sizeable strength at the moment which the party led by
Thapa proved it to be the one only recently.
Grand polarisation will begin thus in the
Nepali society.
One distinct advantage the former King will
have is that those parties who have been predicting of a State Capture fearing
the real intent of the Maoists will eventually side with the King in order to
minimise the political strength of the Maoists and in the process also to
increase their decreasing political stamina because of the Maoists formidable
force associated with heightened arrogance though having embraced a split.
Needless to say, if the King’s dismissal was
their prime target then the parliamentary parties are now the Maoists second
structured target in that the Maoists fairly believe that unless they wipe out
the democratic forces, they can’t impose their authoritarian rule in Nepal
which is what their declared and avowed goal is. They don’t hide their well
thought-out goal. They are honest thus comparatively.
So it could be some sort of fight in between
democratic forces versus authoritarians. The NC and the UML and now RPP--Nepal
included still think that the institution of the Nepali crown is more or less a
democratic force comparatively speaking.
And with the fresh split of Mohan Baidya and
his assistants declaring that guerrilla warfare was round the corner to capture
the state must have jolted the democrats across the region which is what
eventually may compel the democratic forces, including those inside the RAW
machinery, to take the side(s) they now prefer.
Finally, whatever the sidelined King revealed
must not have been done under the spell of a personal whim but instead HE too
has said so when told to speak.
The supporting forces may be the local ones and
across the border. He too enjoys blessings from unknown quarters. Politics
appears to have taken a different course.
Summing up, the days ahead are dangerous as
well. Any misfortune may befall upon the nation if this triangular fight fails
to have a safe landing. Yet, high placed sources say that Mohan Baidya’s role,
for some understandable political reasons, will not be less important in
settling the impending catastrophe.
No less would be the role of Dr. Karan Singh as
he presumably had convinced the conflicting parties then. Thus the Indian
establishment remains as the witness to whatever happened in between. That’s
Monarchy versus Democrats versus Maoists.
Options are limited.
For the road: Former Nepal King is shortly
flying to London.
Courtesy: Telegraph Nepal
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